
Package for interacting with io-streams and similar.

class, callback, timestampFormat='[%x %X] ')[source]

Bases: io.IOBase

Class for redirecting a stream to a callback-function. Whenever a new line is written into the underlying stream, the callback-function will be called with the input. Any write-operation applied to a StreamRedirector will still also be fully applied to the underlying stream.

Initialisation of a StreamRedirector.

  • stream – A stream-like object to redirect from.

  • callback – A callback-function that recieves data as a string (single parameter).

  • timestampFormat – A string for formating a timestamp that will be prefixed to each data-string for the callback-function only. The format will be interpreted via time.strftime(timestampFormat); default is ‘[%x %X] ‘. If an empty string or any falsy expression is supplied, no prefix will be produced.


Close the underlying stream and flush the current buffer.


Flush the underlying stream and the current buffer.


Raise io.UnsupportedOperation as this stream-like object can not be read from.


Return True as this stream-like object is writable.


Write to the underlying stream. If a new line is found also call the callback-function with every line.


input – An appropriate object for the underlying stream to write.

property closed

True if the underlying stream is closed.

Submodules module

class, callback, timestampFormat='[%x %X] ')[source]

Bases: io.IOBase

Class for redirecting a stream to a callback-function. Whenever a new line is written into the underlying stream, the callback-function will be called with the input. Any write-operation applied to a StreamRedirector will still also be fully applied to the underlying stream.

Initialisation of a StreamRedirector.

  • stream – A stream-like object to redirect from.

  • callback – A callback-function that recieves data as a string (single parameter).

  • timestampFormat – A string for formating a timestamp that will be prefixed to each data-string for the callback-function only. The format will be interpreted via time.strftime(timestampFormat); default is ‘[%x %X] ‘. If an empty string or any falsy expression is supplied, no prefix will be produced.


Close the underlying stream and flush the current buffer.


Flush the underlying stream and the current buffer.


Raise io.UnsupportedOperation as this stream-like object can not be read from.


Return True as this stream-like object is writable.


Write to the underlying stream. If a new line is found also call the callback-function with every line.


input – An appropriate object for the underlying stream to write.

property closed

True if the underlying stream is closed.