Source code for

# --- imports
# preinstalled python libraries
import io
import time

[docs]class StreamRedirector(io.IOBase): """ Class for redirecting a stream to a callback-function. Whenever a new line is written into the underlying stream, the callback-function will be called with the input. Any write-operation applied to a StreamRedirector will still also be fully applied to the underlying stream. """ def __init__(self, stream, callback, timestampFormat="[%x %X] "): """ Initialisation of a StreamRedirector. Args: stream: A stream-like object to redirect from. callback: A callback-function that recieves data as a string (single parameter). timestampFormat: A string for formating a timestamp that will be prefixed to each data-string for the callback-function only. The format will be interpreted via time.strftime(timestampFormat); default is '[%x %X] '. If an empty string or any falsy expression is supplied, no prefix will be produced. """ super(StreamRedirector, self).__init__() self._timestampFormat = timestampFormat self._buffer = "" self._stream = stream self._callback = callback @property def closed(self): """ True if the underlying stream is closed. """ return self._stream.closed
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the underlying stream and flush the current buffer. """ self.flush() self._stream.close()
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush the underlying stream and the current buffer. """ while "\n" in self._buffer: self._writeline() self._writeline() if not self.closed: self._stream.flush()
[docs] def read(self, *args): """ Raise io.UnsupportedOperation as this stream-like object can not be read from. """ raise io.UnsupportedOperation("read")
[docs] def writable(self): """ Return True as this stream-like object is writable. """ return True
[docs] def write(self, input): """ Write to the underlying stream. If a new line is found also call the callback-function with every line. Args: input: An appropriate object for the underlying stream to write. """ try: self._buffer += input while "\n" in self._buffer: self._writeline() except: pass return self._stream.write(input)
def _writeline(self): """ Call the callback-function with a single line from the buffer. If the buffer has no line-endings the entire content of the buffer will be supplied as data to the callback-function. This also prepends the timestamp-prefix if needed. This is an internal function. """ if self._buffer: splitted = self._buffer.split("\n", 1) data = splitted[0] if len(splitted) > 1: self._buffer = splitted[1] else: self._buffer = "" if self._timestampFormat: data = time.strftime(self._timestampFormat) + data self._callback(data)