# --- imports
# pygame imports
import pygame
# local imports
from .text_widget import TextWidget
from ..designs import getDefaultDesign, getFallbackDesign
from ..util import inherit_docstrings_from_superclass
# constants
"""A index-constant for the first index of a widget's content."""
END = 'e'
"""A index-constant for the last index of a widget's content."""
CURSOR = 'c'
"""A index-constant for the cursor of a widget."""
"""A index-constant alias for CURSOR."""
"""A index-constant alias for CURSOR."""
"""A index-constant for the selection-index of a widget."""
# set defaults
getFallbackDesign().selection_overlay = (45, 110, 235, 120)
"""Color to be overlayed by default for content that has been selected in a widget."""
[docs]class SelectionTextWidget(TextWidget):
Underlying class for widgets using selectable content.
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text="", font=getDefaultDesign().font, editable=False, validation_function=(lambda *x: True), selection_overlay=getDefaultDesign().selection_overlay):
Initialisation of a SelectionTextWidget.
inherit_doc:: arguments
editable: A boolean indicating whether the widget's content is editable by the user.
The default value is False, meaning it can not be edited by user-input.
validation_function: A function that validates changed content.
It will receive three arguments (the new content, the old content and the widget-object)
and should return a boolean indicating whether the change is valid (True when valid).
The old content can be None if it was not set before;
the new content can be anything that is being passed to setText().
The default value is a function that accepts every change.
selection_overlay: A color-like object that can be interpreted as a color by pygame (such as a tuple with RGB values);
this is used as an overlay for content that has been selected.
The default value is the global default for the selection-color.
self.validation_function = validation_function
super(SelectionTextWidget, self).__init__(x, y, width, height, text, font)
self._cursor = 0
self._selection_index = 0
self.editable = editable
self.selection_overlay = selection_overlay
[docs] def setEditable(self, editable):
Set whether the widget's content is editable by the user (via user-input).
editable: A boolean indicating whether the widget's content is editable by the user.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
self._editable = bool(editable)
return self
[docs] def isEditable(self):
Return whether the widget's content is editable by the user (via user-input).
A boolean indicating whether the widget's content is editable by the user.
return self._editable
[docs] def setValidation(self, validation_function):
Set the widget's validation-function.
validation_function: A function that validates changed content.
It will receive three arguments (the new content, the old content and the widget-object)
and should return a boolean indicating whether the change is valid (True when valid).
The old content can be None if it was not set before; the new content can be anything that is being passed to setText().
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
self._validation_function = validation_function
return self
[docs] def getValidation(self):
Return the widget's validation-function.
A function that validates changed content.
It will receive three arguments (the new content, the old content and the widget-object)
and should return a boolean indicating whether the change is valid (True when valid).
The old content can be None if it was not set before; the new content can be anything that is being passed to setText().
return self._validation_function
[docs] def setText(self, text, return_success_boolean=False):
Additionally validate the change of content.
if self.validation_function and callable(self.validation_function) and self.validation_function(text, getattr(self, "text", None), self):
super(SelectionTextWidget, self).setText(text)
if return_success_boolean:
return True
if return_success_boolean:
return False
return self
[docs] def insert(self, index, text):
Insert a given text at the given index.
index: An integer (or known constant) representing the position the text should be insterted at.
text: A string specifing the content to add to the content of the widget.
A boolean indicating whether the change was successful.
index = self.getActualIndex(index)
return self.setText(self.text[:index] + text + self.text[index:], True)
[docs] def delete(self, start, end):
Deletes the widget's content between the two given indices.
start: An integer representing the index from which the content should be deleted.
end: An integer representing the index until which the content should be deleted.
A boolean indicating whether the change was successful.
start, end = self._sort(start, end)
return self.setText(self.text[:start] + self.text[end:], True)
[docs] def setSelectionOverlay(self, color):
Set the widget's color to overlay for content that has been selected.
color: A color-like object that can be interpreted as a color by pygame (such as a tuple with RGB values).
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
self._selection_overlay = color
return self
[docs] def getSelectionOverlay(self):
Return the widget's color to overlay for content that has been selected.
A color-like object that represents the widget's color to overlay for content that has been selected.
return self._selection_overlay
[docs] def setCursor(self, index):
Set the widget's cursor-position.
index: An integer (or known constant) representing the index the cursor should be set to.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
return self.setSelection(index, index)
[docs] def moveCursor(self, amount):
Move the widget's cursor-position by the given amount.
amount: An integer representing the amount the cursor should be moved by.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
return self.setCursor(self.cursor + int(amount))
[docs] def getCursor(self):
Return the widget's cursor-position.
An integer representing the index the cursor is at.
return self._cursor
[docs] def setSelectionIndex(self, index):
Set the widget' selection-index.
index: An integer (or known constant) representing the index the selection-index should be set to.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
return self.setSelection(index, CURSOR)
[docs] def moveSelectionIndex(self, amount):
Move the widget's cursor-position by the given amount.
amount: An integer representing the amount the cursor should be moved by.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
return self.setSelectionIndex(self.selection_index + int(amount))
[docs] def getSelectionIndex(self):
Return the widget' selection-index.
An integer representing the index the selection-index is at.
return self._selection_index
[docs] def setSelection(self, selection_index, cursor):
Set the widget' selection between the given bounds.
selection_index: An integer (or known constant) representing the index the selection should start.
This will be the position of the selection-index.
cursor: An integer (or known constant) representing the index the selection should end.
This will be the position of the cursor.
The indices can actually be reversed (meaning the start-index is larger than the end-index)
so that the cursor is at the start of the selection.
Itsself (the widget) for convenience.
self._selection_index = self.getActualIndex(selection_index)
self._cursor = self.getActualIndex(cursor)
return self
[docs] def getSelection(self):
Return the widget' selection-range.
A tuple (start, end) with the start- and end-index of the selection.
This is not the selected content, only the indices of the range!
return self._sort(self.selection_index, self.cursor)
[docs] def getActualIndex(self, index, constrain=True):
Return the actual index corresponding to the given representation.
This converts known constants (e.g. END, CURSOR) to the corresponding integers.
index: An integer (or known constant) to be converted.
constrain: A boolean indicating whether the given index should be constrained to
valid indices for the content or not.
The default value is True, meaning that the returned index is constrained.
An integer representing the actual index the given value corresponds to.
if index == CURSOR:
return self.cursor
if index == END:
return len(self.text)
if index == SELECTION:
return self.selection_index
if constrain:
return min(max(int(index), START), self.getActualIndex(END))
return index
def _indexToPos(self, index):
Return the relative coordinate (x, y) corresponding to the given index.
This is an internal function.
index: An integer (or known constant) to be converted.
A pair of integers (x, y) representing a relative coordinate.
return self.font.size(self.text[:self.getActualIndex(index)])[0], 0
def _posToIndex(self, x, y):
Return the index corresponding to the given relative coordinate (x, y).
This is an internal function.
x: An integer representing a relative x-coordinate.
y: An integer representing a relative y-coordinate.
An integer representing the index corresponding to the given relative coordinate.
length = len(self.text)
x = min(float(x), (self.font.size(self.text[:-1])[0]
+ self.font.size(self.text[-1:])[0] * 1.5))
index = 0
n = 0
if self.text:
for n in range(max(min(int(x / (self.font.size(self.text)[0] / length)), length - 1), 0), 0, -1):
if self.font.size(self.text[:n])[0] + self.font.size(self.text[n])[0] < x:
for index in range(n, length):
if self.font.size(self.text[:index])[0] + (self.font.size(self.text[index])[0] * 1.5) > x:
index += 1
return index
def _sort(self, i, j, constrain=True):
Return the indices in ascending order.
This is an internal function.
i: An integer (or known constant) to sort.
j: Another integer (or known constant) to sort.
constrain: A boolean indicating whether the given indices should be constrained to
valid indices for the content or not.
The default value is True, meaning that the returned index is constrained.
A tuple (min, max) of the numbers which have been sorted.
i = self.getActualIndex(i, constrain)
j = self.getActualIndex(j, constrain)
if i > j:
return j, i
return i, j
[docs] def update(self, *args):
Additionally handles the selection and deletion of content.
if len(args) > 0 and self.isActive() and self.isFocused():
event = args[0]
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and self.isEditable():
if event.key in (pygame.K_BACKSPACE, pygame.K_DELETE):
if self.selection_index == self.cursor:
if event.key == pygame.K_DELETE:
self.delete(self.selection_index + 1, CURSOR)
if self.delete(self.selection_index - 1, CURSOR):
s, c = self._sort(SELECTION, CURSOR)
if self.delete(s, c):
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
if (event.buttons[0] or event.buttons[2]) and self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
self.setSelection(SELECTION, self._posToIndex(event.pos[0] - self.rect.x, event.pos[1] - self.rect.y))
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button in (1, 3) and self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
self.setCursor(self._posToIndex(event.pos[0] - self.rect.x, event.pos[1] - self.rect.y))
super(SelectionTextWidget, self).update(*args)
editable = property(lambda obj: obj.isEditable(), lambda obj, arg: obj.setEditable(arg), doc="""The widget' status as a boolean whether its content is editable by the user.""")
validation_function = property(lambda obj: obj.getValidation(), lambda obj, arg: obj.setValidation(arg), doc="""The widget's function used for validating change of its content.""")
selection_overlay = property(lambda obj: obj.getSelectionOverlay(), lambda obj, arg: obj.setSelectionOverlay(arg), doc="""The widget's color to overlay for content that has been selected.""")
selection_index = property(lambda obj: obj.getSelectionIndex(), lambda obj, arg: obj.setSelectionIndex(arg), doc="""The widget's index representing an endpoint for the range of selected content.""")
cursor = property(lambda obj: obj.getCursor(), lambda obj, arg: obj.setCursor(arg), doc="""The widget's position of the cursor as a index. This is another endpoint for the range of selected content.""")
selection = property(lambda obj: obj.getSelection(), lambda obj, tuple: obj.setSelection(*tuple), doc="""The widget's indices spanning the range of selected content.""")
# inherit docs from superclass
SelectionTextWidget = inherit_docstrings_from_superclass(SelectionTextWidget)