Source code for pygvisuals.widgets.listbox

# --- imports
# pygame imports
import pygame

# local imports
from .selection_text_widget import *
from ..designs import getDefaultDesign
from ..util import inherit_docstrings_from_superclass

# constants

[docs]class Listbox(SelectionTextWidget): """ Listbox for displaying lists of multiple objects as strings. """ def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, font=getDefaultDesign().font, editable=False, validation_function=(lambda *x: True), selection_overlay=getDefaultDesign().selection_overlay): """ Initialisation of an Listbox. Args: inherit_doc:: arguments """ super(Listbox, self).__init__(x, y, width, height, "", font, editable, validation_function, selection_overlay) self._list = [] self.viewpoint = self.cursor
[docs] def setViewpoint(self, index): """ Set the widget's viewpoint-position. Args: index: An integer (or known constant) representing the index the viewpoint should be set to. Returns: Itsself (the widget) for convenience. """ self._viewpoint = self.getActualIndex(index) self.markDirty() return self
[docs] def moveViewpoint(self, index): """ Move the widget's viewpoint-position by the given amount. Args: amount: An integer representing the amount the viewpoint should be moved by. Returns: Itsself (the widget) for convenience. """ return self.setViewpoint(self.viewpoint + int(index))
[docs] def getViewpoint(self): """ Return the widget's viewpoint-position. Returns: An integer representing the index the viewpoint is at. """ return self._viewpoint
[docs] def setCursor(self, index): if self._indexToPos(index)[1] < 0: self.setViewpoint(index) elif self._indexToPos(index)[1] > self.rect.h: self.setViewpoint(index - (self.rect.h / self.font.get_linesize())) return super(Listbox, self).setCursor(index)
[docs] def setText(self, text): """ Note: Any given text will be ignored; use insert or delete instead. inherit_doc:: """ return self
[docs] def getText(self): return "\n".join(map(str, self.list))
[docs] def setList(self, list): """ Set the widget' list-representation of its content. Args: list: A list with the content to set. Returns: Itsself (the widget) for convenience. """ self._list = list self.markDirty() return self
[docs] def getList(self): """ Return the widget' list-representation of its content. Returns: A list representing the content of the widget. """ return self._list
[docs] def insert(self, index, text): """ Note: The argument 'text' can be of any type, not only a string. inherit_doc:: """ index = self.getActualIndex(index) self._list.append(text) self.markDirty()
[docs] def delete(self, start, end): start, end = self._sort(start, end) del self._list[start:end] self.markDirty()
[docs] def getActualIndex(self, index, constrain=True): if index == END: return len(self._list) if index == VIEWPOINT: return self._viewpoint return super(Listbox, self).getActualIndex(index, constrain)
def _indexToPos(self, index): return 0, self.font.get_linesize() * (index - self._viewpoint) def _posToIndex(self, x, y): return (y / self.font.get_linesize()) + self._viewpoint
[docs] def update(self, *args): """ Additionally handles keyboard-input. inherit_doc:: """ if len(args) > 0 and self.isActive() and self.isFocused(): event = args[0] if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: self.moveCursor(-1) elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: self.moveCursor(1) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 4: self.moveViewpoint(-1) elif event.button == 5: self.moveViewpoint(1) super(Listbox, self).update(*args)
def _getAppearance(self, *args): """ Additionally renders the listbox's list and selection. inherit_doc:: """ surface = super(Listbox, self)._getAppearance(*args) linesize = self.font.get_linesize() for n in range(self._viewpoint, len(self._list)): surface.blit(self._render(str(self._list[n])), (0, linesize * (n - self._viewpoint))) if self.isFocused(): s, e = self._sort(CURSOR, SELECTION) for n in range(s, e + 1): selection = pygame.Surface((self.bounds.width, linesize), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) selection.fill(self.selection_overlay) surface.blit(selection, (0, linesize * (n - self._viewpoint))) return surface list = property(getList, setList, doc="""The widget' list-representation of its content.""") viewpoint = property(getViewpoint, setViewpoint, doc="""The widget's position of the viewpoint as a index. This is the first currently visible index.""")
# inherit docs from superclass Listbox = inherit_docstrings_from_superclass(Listbox)