Source code for pygvisuals.widgets.entry

# --- imports
# pygame imports
import pygame

# local imports
from .selection_text_widget import *
from ..designs import getDefaultDesign
from ..util import inherit_docstrings_from_superclass

[docs]class Entry(SelectionTextWidget): """ Entry-fields that accept keyboard-input. """ def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text="", font=getDefaultDesign().font, editable=True, validation_function=(lambda *x: True), selection_overlay=getDefaultDesign().selection_overlay): """ Initialisation of an Entry. Args: x: An integer specifing the x-coordinate of the widget. This is the horizontal distance from the left reference point. y: An integer specifing the y-coordinate of the widget. This is the vertical distance from the top reference point. width: An integer specifing the width of the widget. height: An integer specifing the height of the widget. text: A string specifing the content of the widget. The default value is an empty string. font: A font-like object that can be interpreted by pygame.font as a Font; this is used as the font for rendering text. The default value is the global default for fonts. editable: A boolean indicating whether the widget's content is editable by the user. The default value is True, meaning it can be edited by user-input. validation_function: A function that validates changed content. It will receive three arguments (the new content, the old content and the widget-object) and should return a boolean indicating whether the change is valid (True when valid). The old content can be None if it was not set before; the new content can be anything that is being passed to setText(). The default value is a function that accepts every change. selection_overlay: A color-like object that can be interpreted as a color by pygame (such as a tuple with RGB values); this is used as an overlay for content that has been selected. The default value is the global default for the selection-color. """ super(Entry, self).__init__(x, y, width, height, text, font, editable, validation_function, selection_overlay)
[docs] def update(self, *args): """ Additionally handles keyboard-input. inherit_doc:: """ if len(args) > 0 and self.isActive() and self.isFocused(): event = args[0] if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.moveCursor(-1) elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.moveCursor(1) elif self.isEditable(): if event.key not in (pygame.K_BACKSPACE, pygame.K_DELETE): char = event.unicode valid = False if hasattr(char, "isprintable"): valid = char.isprintable() elif char == " " or not char.isspace(): valid = True if char and valid: s, c = self._sort(SELECTION, CURSOR) if self.setText(self.text[:s] + char + self.text[c:], True): self.setCursor(s + 1) super(Entry, self).update(*args)
def _getAppearance(self, *args): """ Additionally renders the entry's text, cursor and selection. inherit_doc:: """ surface = super(Entry, self)._getAppearance(*args) linesize = self.font.get_linesize() surface.blit(self._render(self.text), (0, (self.bounds.height - linesize) / 2)) if self.isFocused(): cursor_pos = self._indexToPos(CURSOR)[0] selection_pos = self._indexToPos(SELECTION)[0] cursor = pygame.Surface((2, linesize)) cursor.fill(self.foreground) surface.blit(cursor, (cursor_pos, (self.bounds.height - linesize) / 2)) selection = pygame.Surface((abs(cursor_pos - selection_pos), linesize), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) selection.fill(self.selection_overlay) surface.blit(selection, (self._sort(cursor_pos, selection_pos, False)[0], (self.bounds.height - linesize) / 2)) return surface
# inherit docs from superclass Entry = inherit_docstrings_from_superclass(Entry)